April 2020

Mostly Healthy No Prep Meal Plan Week 3
I've been going low calorie lately and have felt my energy just go caput so I'm increasing my calories a bit again this week to the 1,500 - 1,800 calorie range. I've also had a difficult time keeping up with...
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Real food meal plan week 2
As promised I'm sharing my second week of real food meal planning for you guys. I would consider this menu *mostly* healthy and not super strict. Our state just extended distance learning to the end of the school year so...
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Real Food Meal Plan for this Week
Hi all, I've missed you! In all the craziness of this pandemic, my life has become very busy I have now jumped into distance learning with my three children with very little time to prepare and I haven't had time...
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Beach Abs
1: Boat Pose Paripurna Navasana:(par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna)paripurna = full, entire, completenava = boat2: Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:(SET-too BAHN-dah)setu = dam, dike, or bridgebandha = lock3: Crane (Crow) Pose Bakasana:(bahk-AHS-anna)baka = crane4: Fish Pose Matsyasana:Traditionally Fish Pose is performed with the legs in Padmasana. Since Padmasana is beyond the capacity...
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Savasana Techniques for the Yoga Teacher
This is for all you new teachers out there or for someone who would like to switch things up a bit for their Savasana scripts.    Yoga International is a wonderful source for many things and Savasana cannot be forgotten...
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