Savasana Techniques for the Yoga Teacher


This is for all you new teachers out there or for someone who would like to switch things up a bit for their Savasana scripts.    Yoga International is a wonderful source for many things and Savasana cannot be forgotten or skipped.  It’s important.

People will remember your Savasana.  It’s the last pose and typically people remember the first and the last parts of any experience a bit more than the middle.  So, make it good peeps!

Many people appreciate a bolster under the thighs for added comfort.  There are little things you can do to make the ending of their yoga practice a bit more special.  Scented eye pillows, a blanket under the head.   An essential oil massage (remember to always ask first), these are special treats.  Your students love to feel special.  

​Remember that not everyone has a large group of loving friends/family and this may be the only attention they receive in a  day.  Why not make them feel peaceful?  We are all in search of peace.  Even those who appear to already have it.  Give it to them and they will remember how you made them feel.

This is for all you new teachers out there or for someone who would like to switch things up a bit for their Savasana scripts.    Yoga International is a wonderful source for many things and Savasana cannot be forgotten or skipped.  It’s important.People will remember your Savasana.  It’s the last pose and typically people remember the first and the last parts of any experience a bit more than the middle.  So, make it good peeps!Many people appreciate a bolster under th […]Read More

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