Becoming more present is needed more now than ever. In this blog post, we will cover what Anahata or Heart Chakra represents and how to balance it to become loving.
What are Chakras?
The Chakras are a set of seven wheels or energy vortex of energies in our bodies that carry your urges, emotions, and habits, as well as the energy for experiences that happen to us.
You may have heard of terms such as Chi, Prana, Charge, and others that refer to the same type of energies.
The seven chakras are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown.
Now that you have a little background on what chakras are, let us focus on the Heart Chakra.
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra or Anahata is located at the center of the chest area. The color of this chakra is represented by the color green.
When this chakra is out of balance you may feel:
- Impatience
- Boredom
- loneliness
- Overwhelmed
When you have too much energy going into this region of your body you may experience:

- Codependency (Focus to much on others)
- Jealousy
- Being a martyr
When you do not have enough energy going into this region of your body you may experience:

- Antisocial/withdrawn
- Critical/intolerant
- Lonely/isolated
- Lack of empathy
- Fear of intimacy
Common Aliments that you may experience when your chakra is out of balance:

- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Circulatory problems
- Difficulty Breathing
- Aching in chest / upper back
- Weak immune system
Now we will go over what you may feel when your Heart Chakra is Balanced
When this Chakra is Balanced you may experience feeling:

- Caring
- Compassionate
- Empathic
- Accepting
- Self-loving
- Peaceful
- Content
You now may be wondering how can you balance this chakra
To balance this chakra you would need to:
- Use Affirmations
- Practice Key Yoga Poses
- Be more mindful of your emotions and actions
Affirmations to use to help balance this Chakra
- I let go easily and see the light in me
- I am patient with myself and others
- I give up the habit of criticizing myself
- I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me transform and open up to love
- I compare myself only to my highest self
- I focus on my progress and decide to let of of perfection
Key yoga postures that you can do to help you balance this Chakra

Additional steps to take to balance your Heart Chakra
- Practicing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes
- Practicing Journaling and log your thoughts and emotions
- Work on some back bending exercises to opening the chest region and back
- For every negative thought think of 2 positive thoughts
- Celebrate your milestones and reflect on your achievements big and small
- Strive for progress, not perfection
Listen to the full podcast episode to learn more on this Heart Chakra and how to become More Creative
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https://video.wixstatic.com/video/b3af5e_2c973e9799814a989f15771505f240ed/1080p/mp4/file.mp4Becoming more present is needed more now than ever. In this blog post, we will cover what Anahata or Heart Chakra represents and how to …Read More