It’s a new year and, like most of us, it’s time for me to get a little more organized. I have used a number of different types of planners over the years but I didn’t stick with it because they just didn’t get me. I needed more space for meal planning and less space for appointments, more note-taking, and a bigger to-do list. I also need sheets to plan my homeschool curriculum.
This year, I’m trying something a little different. I scoured the internet for the best free printable pages to create my own custom planner via a 3-ring binder. I found everything to plan my days, weeks, and months. The more I plan, the less I forget to do and the more I accomplish as a whole which feels great.
In this post, I will include all of the free resources you need to create your own custom planner and conquer 2021.
Goal Sheet
This is the essence of why I’m trying to plan more in the first place. I’m striving to be more intentional with the goals I want to achieve in my life, be it financial, family, business, personal health, etc.
This goal sheet is great to compartmentalize goals and help you create a vision for where you want to go.
Get the free printable goal sheet ,here.
Habit Tracker
This is a great habit tracker. Once you have your goals laid out before you, you can start tracking your daily habits here to achieve them. This includes a number of lines so you can track a bunch of habits at once.
Get the free printable habit tracker ,here.
2021 Month-at-a-Glance
This printable includes a monthly calendar page for all 12 months of 2021. Get it ,here. It’s from a great blog I love to follow at ,www.iheartnaptime.net.
Weekly Planner
This is a great and lovely-looking weekly planner page. I like that it has another area for goals and notes so I can include a couple of reminders right on that page that are specific to that week. This page is from Clementine Creative, and there are a ton of other printable planner pages available on the ,site.
Get the weekly planner page ,here.
If you want more detail for your hourly schedule, there is a more detailed weekly planner page I like to use ,here from Five J’s.
Meal Planner and Shopping List
In order to eat healthily, I have to plan out my meals. Otherwise, I will get off track by just ordering out when I‘m not prepared to make a healthy dinner or just eating whatever is on hand without really thinking about calories or nutrition info.
Family Fresh Meals has created this great meal planner set that includes a great sheet to plan the week’s meals and a grocery list. There are other items included like a pantry and freezer inventory list but I really just use the planner and grocery shopping list.
Get the meal planner set ,here.
Homeschool Plan
I’ve been using this daily schedule sheet to plan out my kid’s homeschool day and list assignments and academic resources. I do think this sheet would be useful for those not involved in homeschooling as well though as it can be easily adapted to a daily schedule with to-dos and other lists.
Get the daily schedule printable ,here.
Basic to-do list
This is a great, simple to-do list with lots of space. I also use it as a “to-buy” list and this helps me with my financial goals.
Get the to-do list ,here.
Chores Checklist
I use this for the kids and myself. It’s so important for kids to have chores that they are responsible for. It builds confidence, independence, and a sense of responsibility. Honestly, my kids love having their chores list. It makes them feel responsible, capable, and confident. Not to mention how kind and considerate it is of them to help out mom and dad around the house! Even my three-year-old has chores!
It’s a helpful reminder to me too, if I write it down I am so much more likely to get it done.
Get the chores checklist ,here.
This is a cute and colorful notes page for reminders, lists, or journaling. I’ve been working on a daily gratitude journal which has helped me feel more peaceful and relaxed. There’s a cute checklist available as well.
Get the notes and checklist pages ,here.
Yoga Flows
I always love a little inspiration with new ideas for my practice, and I recently found some great printables from yogakali.com. I like yoga flow printables better that at home videos or podcasts because I prefer to go at my own pace and pick and choose if I want to do a particular sequence or not in real-time. I need room to customize so this works great for me.
,Release fear and anxiety sequence
For more yoga flows you can search the blog at www.howsitflowin.com.
There you have it! I hope you can use these free resources to get more organized and accomplish your goals for 2021. Did you find any good printables to share? Please comment below with your resources as well!
Photo credit: https://www.pexels.com/@thngocbich
It’s a new year and, like most of us, it’s time for me to get a little more organized. I have used a number of different types of planner…Read More