Living a healthy lifestyle is not as hard as you think. Try these 6 simple steps to get started.

1. Start with a Plan
Before you start your journey for better health. You need to establish a plan. The best way to do this is to use a planner. Set a goal for the month, set up weekly steps, make a shop list, and keep track.

2. Make time to Meditate
Take time to clear your mind with some meditation. All you need is 10-15 minutes.
You can practice sitting still in the morning and evenings. The more you practice the easier it gets.

3. Create a Routine
Once you have a plan, you now need a routine that you can follow so that you can stay on track. Having a routine helps you develop new habits that can help you live a healthier lifestyle.

4. Make Conscious Food Choices
Sometimes, if we are in constant fear or stress, we tend to eat foods that are not good for us. Make sure what you are putting into your body will benefit you and not harm you or the environment. This way you can live longer and be able to enjoy it.

5. Take a walk
Make some time to go outside and enjoy nature. Listen to the birds’ chirp and watch the butterflies. Use this time to enjoy what nature has to offer.

6. Read More and Watch Less
There is so much going on at any giving time. Between the chaos of this pandemic, the election, and so much more it can be a distraction to your health journey. Try reading a new chapter for 1 hour a day. Reading a motivational book or self-help book can help boost your energy.

7. Try practicing yoga at home.
There are many ways to start a yoga practice. If you are looking for a simple way to get started where you can move at your own pace. Join my Discover Yoga Course.

#healthylifestyle #yoga #mindfulliving #healthy
About the Author:

Hey, Kenya here your new yoga bestie! Allow me to introduce myself. I am a Certified Yoga Coach who loves helping busy moms to create more balance in their lives while reducing stress by practicing yoga on and off the mat. In addition to raising two kids, I am also a Course Creator, Author and Podcast host of “From My Mat to Yours” (available anywhere you listen to your podcast) Want to take one of my virtual yoga classes? ,,Click here to join.
Living a healthy lifestyle is not as hard as you think. Try these 6 simple steps to get startedRead More