
End of Month Reflection
Wearing: Sneakers, Align Leggings (on sale), Tank top (on sale), Sweatshirt old NSF (similar color on sale) Typically at the end of the month I like to do a little reflection and self-evaluation in my planner. At the top of...
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Beauty Boosters: Incorporating Natural Nutrients for Healthy Skin
Written by: Karin L. Hermoni, Ph.D Physical and emotional well-being are each reflected in the way skin looks. Embracing the link between beauty and wellness and nutrition and lifestyle, a crossover between these industries emerges. On one hand, the topical...
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Wellness on the Frontline: Meet Frontline Breathe & Release
Frontline Breathe & Release is a FREE Instagram wellness resource created by Maude Hirst, Wanderlust TV teacher and the founder of EnergyRise, dedicated to supporting frontline workers who are stretched to their mental and physical limits by the on-going pandemic....
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The Best Free Morning Yoga Videos for Beginners
Early morning is considered one of the best times to practice yoga, even for beginner students. Morning yoga routines are designed to gently stretch your body and make you feel more alert, energized, and relaxed. All of the youtube videos...
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4 Ideas for Finding a Side Hustle
Dan is back with his weekly blog post. Hope you enjoy! xo CandaceThere has never been a better time to get yourself a side hustle. The extra money you can make on the side can really help propel you to...
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Meet the Model: LESA
Lesa Green @chocolumpia Where are you from and where do you currently live? “I’m originally from NY! Currently a Cali girl. ” Tell us what you are working on that you are excited about! “Current times have allowed me to...
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Breaking Bad: The Subconscious Mind and Yoga
by Leza LowitzFreedom of Mind by Rene MagritteI’ve been thinking about different mind states lately, especially after having been cooped up for the better part of a year in close quarters with a teenager, and often feeling like I’d literally...
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Accessible Restorative Yoga Poses
Looking to add more yoga to your life without adding more work? Looking for something to help your body relax and mind de-stress? May we suggest you try some restorative yoga poses? Restorative yoga is known to release muscular tension...
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4 Ways to Spice Up Your Yoga Practice
“But… yoga is boring!”As a yoga teacher, you tend to hear certain refrains from those who don’t regularly practice yoga (yet!) for whatever reason: one of these is the good old “but I’m not flexible!” to which I usually respond...
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Ep. 172 – Meditation for Joy
This is a short meditation to help you connect to pure, unadulterated joy and share it with the world around you. (7 Minutes) Go to to pay what you can for this class More yoga podcasts available at Video classes available...
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