
7 Trends Predictions for Kids Yoga in 2021
By Lara Hocheiser, Flow and Grow Kids Yoga Founder, Owner, and Teacher Trainer and Kathryn Boland, Flow and Grow Kids Yoga Graduate and Blog Manager  2020 really blew up the bread-and-butter business model for many kids companies, making in-person yoga...
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DIY Custom Planner with Free Printables
It’s a new year and, like most of us, it’s time for me to get a little more organized. I have used a number of different types of planners over the years but I didn’t stick with it because they...
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DIY Beauty Powerhouse
How I saved about $130 by adding this gem to my beauty routineCall it a beauty routine, self-care, self-love, whatever floats your boat but I am always looking for ways to simplify my personal routine at the lowest cost possible...
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What is Samadhi? Exploring The Goal of Classical Yoga
Near the end of the first chapter of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras describes the goal of yoga—samadhi. So, what is samadhi? You may have heard it defined in a few ways. Samadhi is a state of oneness with all that is....
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More One Blanket Restorative (Video)
Practise now A very simple, gentle class perfect to calm you down when anxiety is high or when you are preparing for sleep. This is a minimalist restorative yoga class focused on the abdomen, side body, hip flexors, and neck....
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Meditate Differently: 10 Meditation Alternatives
For many of us, the idea of taking time out of our daily life to meditate may seem unattainable. If you feel that sitting on a cushion for an hour or less is not for you, try these meditation alternatives to find the...
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Hello 2021 (Can I come in?)
Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash You may think I’m weird, but I feel like I’m in an extended version of 2020… It’s like bingeing on Homeland on Netflix and wanting to stop watching but wishing it never ends and...
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Ep. 168 – Remember Who You Are Meditation
This is a short meditation to help you remember that you are fundamentally good, kind, and caring and help you connect to this part of your nature. (6 Minutes) Join Me for a New Year’s workshop on Kindness Go to to...
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How to Balance Your Visuddha or Throat Chakra and Express Yourself
Becoming more present is needed more now than ever. In this blog post, we will cover what Anahata or Heart Chakra represents and how to balance it to become loving. What are Chakras? The Chakras are a set of seven...
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Cultivate your quiet self
Giveaway LimitationsTry to think back to a time that was seamless and easy. It was probably when you had no expectations, no critical judgments but rather an open, evolving attitude. A time when you understood that there could be no...
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